Please enter the search criteria. This can be either the (partial) name of the object
(without the HD, SAO, etc prefix) in any of the supported catalogues or variable star name
or object classification. Space character is important and matches single space character in the database.
Dot (.) matches any single character (as in regex).
Searching by l&b does not work, since
the 'Browse' menu option already provides l&b sorted object list.
If exactly 1 matching record is found it is displayed in full.
If multiple matching records are found, a list of matching records is displayed
with links to individual records.
Empty search criteria displays a list of all
records in the database (in current catalogue only - irrespective of Search all catalogues setting).
Examples :
- Sgr - will display all objects in Sagittarius region
- 123 - will display all objects whose name (in any of the catalogues) contains substring '123'
- . (single dot) together with Search all catalogues selected - will
display all objects from all the catalogues (because all objects have non-empty names).